Hey you! 👋
I'm André van Tonder or “drevan”.
Welcome to my little corner of the internet! ❤️
I believe that one of the greatest lies of the centuries is the attitude among Christians that men do not want God. The Christian world has been deceived into thinking that men will not be responsive to the gospel of our Savior. After more than 20 years of sharing Christ with thousands of students and laymen, individually and in small and large groups, I can tell you that the Holy Spirit has created a hunger for God in the hearts of multitudes around the world.
Success in witnessing is simply sharing Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the results to God.
When you personally introduce another to Christ, that is spiritual addition. But when you deliberately disciple the new Christian and help him to win, disciple, and send others who will do the same to win and disciple others, generation after generation, that is spiritual multiplication!
The devil’s goal isn’t to stop God (he can't!), it’s to stop our heart attitude of dependence on God.